#Engage, Energize, & Educate
February 9th
Good Morning PVE Families,
Your children’s health and safety are two of priorities at school each day. It is extremely important that families follow the school's protocols on keeping your child home if they have been sick. Below are two links to Mrs. Traverse’s web page which explains when to keep your student home, and why it is so important to adhere to the 24 hour rule.
Although classrooms are being deep-cleaned regularly, when students come to school without following these guidelines illnesses will continue to spread.
Morning Car Rider Drop Off
Over the last few weeks, we have been trying to guide the traffic flow in the morning to ensure drivers pull all the way up to Door 2 (Cafeteria) and students vacate stopped vehicles somewhere along the front curb from Door 2 to the basketball courts (at the edge of the building). To assist with traffic flow and provide a more systematic drop off, we now have two cones indicating the drop off zone. Your child(ren) should exit your vehicle when your car is between the cones. Vehicles should not make a double stop between the cones . If you are stopped between the cones, have your child promptly exit the vehicle. Adults should not get out of their vehicles.
This process affords us the opportunity to move 10-15 cars at a time and has already had a dramatic impact on the traffic flow and arrival time of students to school. Upon approach to the campus, it is helpful if students are ready to exit the vehicle in a quick manner. We appreciate your continued cooperation with this.
Doors open at 8:20am and close at 8:50am. If you arrive after 8:50 am when the doors are closed, you MUST park in a parking spot or in the drop off zone and walk your child into the vestibule to sign them in. Please DO NOT stop along the driveway entrance or exit and leave your vehicle unattended. This blocks the flow of traffic, making it impossible for other vehicles to pass you and therefore backing up traffic onto Pleasant View Avenue.
Boosterthon Pictures
The Yearbook Committee is compiling a page of class pictures for every grade. If you do not want your child’s picture in the yearbook, please email Mrs. Ross at jross@smithfield-ps.org before Friday, 2/14/25.
Thank you for your support. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 949-2058.
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera