#Engage, Energize, & Educate

February 23rd

Dear Families,

Hopefully you and your family had a restful and enjoyable winter break. We are excited to welcome all of our students back to school on Monday, February 24th and we look forward to the  remaining 75 days of the school year. They are sure to be exciting and productive.

As we return, we are ready to dive into new learning opportunities while students continue to grow together. 

We look forward to a wonderful rest of the year with your child!

A Message from Chartwells

March Elementary Breakfast 

March Elementary Lunch

March Elementary Lunch GF


Denim & Pearls Ladies Bingo Night!

Student Choice Flyer

PVES Night At Fenway Park

2025 Yearbook Order Information

Sip & Shares with the Principals Feb. 28th

SLL 2025 Registration

Pasta Dinner Flyer

Important Dates:

Monday, February 17th-Friday, February 21st-No School for Presidents Day/Winter Recess

Tuesday, February 25th-Chelo’s fifth grade fundraiser

Friday, February 28th-Sip & Shares with the Principal’s from 2:45-3:15 pm

Monday, March 3rd- Read Across America Spirit Day

Tuesday, March 4th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend.

Thursday, March 6th-Volunteers needed for Ladies Bingo set up. Please contact Alycia at pleasantviewptopresident@gmail.com to sign up to help set up. 

Friday, March 7th Ladies Bingo Night at the Portuguese American Club

Saturday, March 8th- Selected 4th & 5th Graders will participate in the All State Chorus 9:00-3:30 pm at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium-More information to follow

Sunday, March 9th- Daylight Savings BEGINS!

Monday, March 10th-WEAR BLUE today!

Wednesday, March 12th-Lifetouch Spring Picture Day

Monday, March 17th- Friday, March 21st-Respect Week. Flyer forthcoming

Wednesday, March 19th-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm & The Fifth Grade Pasta Dinner at SHS

Friday, March 21st-9:30 am assembly for students in the Gym on Respect Week & 5th Grade Vaping Assembly at 1:30 pm

Warm regards,

Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera