#Engage, Energize, & Educate

February 28th

Dear PVE Families,

It was so nice to welcome students and staff back from a much deserved winter break.  Mrs. Dohoney and I want to thank all of the parents that attended our first Sip & Share with the principals.  It was a great way to meet and share the great things that are going on at Pleasant View and to hear suggestions from our PVE families.

Just a friendly reminder, please complete a Survey Works for each child that attends Pleasant View.  We are currently at 143 out of 551 responses from our families.

Please let us know how well we are doing and in which areas we still can improve by taking this  short survey online until March 31st. To take the survey, visit: bit.ly/ridefamily.  Choose your school from the dropdown list.  Please complete the survey for each of your children that attends Pleasant View Elementary

If we have 70% family participation, we will have a school-wide PAJAMA DAY in April.

4 Easy Steps to Complete Your Family Survey

Step 1: Visit bit.ly/ridefamily

Step 2: You have now accessed the family survey. There is a drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner: select English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Step 3: Click where it says select and look for your child’s school in the drop-down menu. Once you find the school, click on “Take this Survey.” 

Step 4: For each question, select the answers that best apply to your experience and beliefs. Once finished, click “Submit,” and you are done! 

Survey Works Flyer-English

Survey Works Flyer-Spanish

Students in grades 3rd-5th will have a Survey Works assembly on Monday followed by completing a Survey Works in class next week. 

EveryDay Speech

Second graders are working on  Self-Management Skills by Setting Goals. Students will apply these lessons to independently self regulation and problem solving conflicts in all settings.

A Message from Mrs. Ross & Mrs. Pierpaoli

Please remember to call the absence line when your student will not be in school.  While we hope your student is in school, we understand that sometimes there is a need for an absence.  In order for us to accurately record all types of absences (sick, appointments, family reasons, etc.) we do need to hear from you with the reason; the absence voicemail reached via our main number (401.949.2058) is the best way to do this.  Thank you for your cooperation.

A Message from Farmer Stacie 

March is all about the change in season, spring will be here soon and with longer days chickens start laying more eggs. It is the length of day, not temperature, that helps animals move through the seasons.

This month we will be setting eggs to hatch, at Pleasant View the 3rd grade will be doing a program, but at Old County and LaPerche your incubator will be in a common area to view. We are including a binder with a daily sheet describing what is happening inside the egg that day. I've attached links to stories about how eggs turn into chicks, we will be discussing and answering questions as well as an activity during our garden time.

It is the Sugar Moon, the weather this time of year is above 40 during the day but below freezing at night. This causes the sap in maple trees to run from the roots where it was stored all winter to the branches as the tree wakes up from its winter rest. From now until the buds on the trees turn red we can collect some of that sap to make maple syrup or maple sugar.

It takes 40 gallons of maple sap to make one gallon of maple syrup, but for indigenous people and later settlers this was the only sugar available. Some stories suggest that people learned to tap maple trees by watching squirrels and other animals chew the bark to get to the sweet sap during what is a hungry time of year for animals when not much is growing yet. I've linked videos to traditional stories below.

Sap is mostly water, and you can drink it as an energizing drink, but it does go bad. Boiling the water off allows you to store the syrup or sugar for years. The process of boiling the sap can take days, modern systems are automated and fires are made by propane in a closed house with excellent ventilation called a sugar shack. Traditionally sap was boiled first outside and then brought inside for the final steps. Revive the Roots will be hosting a boil off on Saturday March 15th outside using a wood fired evaporator which families are welcome to experience.

Here are some resources to share about making maple syrup.

Settlers learned to tap and make maple sugar from indigenous peoples. Here is a video that demonstrates the traditional method of making maple sugar--which was the end product, not syrup.

A traditional story about the history of maple syrup

Another indigenous story

An excerpt from Little House in the Big Woods, Sugar Snow

Excellent resources from Cornell with grade appropriate videos and worksheets


New Member on the farm.


Denim & Pearls Ladies Bingo Night! Please RSVP no later than March 2nd. 

Sign Up Here.

Student Choice Flyer

PVES Night At Fenway Park

2025 Yearbook Order Information

SLL 2025 Registration

Pasta Dinner Flyer Sign ups https://my.cheddarup.com/c/pves-pasta-dinner/items?cart

SGSL Flyer

Important Dates:

Monday, March 3rd- Read Across America Spirit Day-Be silly like Dr. Seuss with Mismatched clothes or Wear red & white. Revive the Roots is HERE.

Tuesday, March 4th-PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria (door 2).  Children are welcome to attend. Revive the Roots is HERE.

Thursday, March 6th-Volunteers needed for Ladies Bingo set up. Please contact Alycia at pleasantviewptopresident@gmail.com to sign up to help set up. 

Friday, March 7th Ladies Bingo Night at the Portuguese American Club

Saturday, March 8th- Selected 4th & 5th Graders will participate in the All State Chorus 9:00-3:30 pm at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium-More information to follow

Sunday, March 9th- Daylight Savings BEGINS!

Monday, March 10th-WEAR BLUE today!

Wednesday, March 12th-Lifetouch Spring Picture Day

Monday, March 17th- Friday, March 21st-Respect Week. Respect Week Flyer

Wednesday, March 19th-SSELAC meeting at SHS Media Center at 6:30pm & The Fifth Grade Pasta Dinner at SHS

Friday, March 21st-9:30 am assembly for students in the Gym on Respect Week & 5th Grade Vaping Assembly at 1:30 pm

Have a TERRIFIC weekend. Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Dohoney & Mrs. Viera