Summer Learning

Happy Summer!

Summer reading is critical to assure that students will retain knowledge and skills learned in the previous school year. It supports their consistent brain development. Students who don't read over the summer months are at risk of significantly falling behind their classmates. Parents can avoid any decline by making sure that their children take time to read every day.

I have provided this link to a short, yet powerful, article about how crucial it is for children to consistently read throughout the year: "Why Summer Reading Pays Off Year-Round" . While this article was posted nine years ago, its message is timeless.

In addition to the Summer Bridge books that have been sent home with students, please also refer to Smithfield's district link for summer student information and resources, such as our Summer Learning Guide. Students are asked to submit their 2020 Summer Activity Verification Form (found on the 2020 Summer Learning Guide page), to me by Friday, September 11th.

