Senior Parade - A great tradition @SmithfieldSchls. Congratulations Class of 2023!
Our PTO Appreciation Day program and Grade Five Live assembly were embraced by students and adults alike. It was a special morning!
URI Journalism students are interning @SmithfieldSchls this summer reporting on programs & people in our school community. This week they met members of the Jaswell family & Art Teacher Kristine Straus. If you have story ideas for Lauren & Ben please contact the Supt's office.
Join the Chalk Walk this Saturday @GMS, sponsored by the Smithfield DEI Commission. All families are welcome.
Join the Smithfield DEI Chalk Walk June 3 @GMS_Smithfield
Pleasant View's Walking School Bus
Lieutenant Steve Carberry has been meeting families walking below the Greenville Library area. Captain Matt Pearson has been meeting families walking from Tony's Pizza. They look forward to "picking you up" on the way to Pleasant View! Staff has also been joining these groups. See you tomorrow, Wednesday, May 24th. If you have any questions, please let Mrs. Ross know. For our new families: Please refer to this link for information about this beloved family, staff, and community initiative.
Catching kids doing great things for others. Thank you Charlie, Olivia, & Sidney, Superintendent's Awards of Recognition for Going Above and Beyond.
Thank you to Smithfield Rotary for dedicating 5 Buddy Benches to our schools. A great event for families at Pleasant View on Sat. @SmithfieldSchls
Thank you to Dr. Bartz, Smithfield's Rotary Club, members of Revive the Roots, Mr. Thibadeau and his SHS students, Miss Moretti and her fifth grade students, Pack #3 Greenville Cub Scouts, Smithfield's Technology Department, our fifth grade leaders, Mrs. Clapprood, Mrs. Pushee, Mrs. Lisi, Mrs. Squillante, Mr. James, PV families, and Chartwells for a wonderful Garden Open House and Rotary Club Buddy Bench dedication. It was a special morning!
Getting ready for the Buddy Bench dedication at Pleasant View on Sat., May 20 from 10-12, rain or shine @PVES. The benches were funded by the Smithfield Rotary Club & built by our students. Activities include a free omelet station & games. Our school community is welcome.
Hasmik is a 9th grade engineering student in the SHS Career Pathway course. Students built cars to race using CO2. Whose car is faster and better? @SmithfieldSchls
10 GMS students competed in the Memorial Day Oratorical sponsored by the Balfour-Cole American Legion. Remembering all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for your service. @SmithfieldSchls
The District's Teacher of the Year Torie Calderone was recognized today @LaPerche and will be recognized tonight at the School Committee meeting. Congratulations!
It may not look like much right now but this bench, constructed by our SHS students is one of 5 that will be dedicated to each school as "Buddy Benches" to promote inclusivity & community. Each school will paint their own. Dedication is open to the public Sat., 5/20 @PVES
Smithfield Special Education Local Advisory Committee's Color Run, Walk, Roll was a wonderful event! There was enthusiasm, laughter, and positive energy everywhere. Thank you to all who participated in any way!
What a wonderful Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week everyone had at Pleasant View! A heartfelt "thank you" to our PTO, Families, and Central Office for their thoughtfulness!
The Color Run was a huge success with many families joining in on this beautiful day at Deerfield Park. Thank you to SSELAC for developing & hosting this event to gain awareness of special needs & to promote inclusivity! Thrilled to join our students & families @SmithfieldSchls
Good morning!
Please refer to this posted information about SSELAC's Saturday, May 13th, Color Run Walk Roll at Deerfield Park. We hope to see you there!
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of our faculty throughout the district! Thank you, Pleasant View's PTO, for all that you have planned for our faculty and staff this week.
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all our faculty @SmithfieldSchls. Thank you for all you do!